


发掘 FKLI & FCPO 交易中趋势跟踪策略的潜力。 深入了解趋势交易,包括什么是趋势,如何识别趋势,以及成功交易者如何利用它获得最大优势。 无论您是经验丰富的交易者还是新手,在这线上研讨会里,你将获取有价值的知识以帮助你提升自信地驾驭期货市场。 不要错过这个提高您交易知识的机会。立即加入我们,开始您在 FKLI 及FCPO 市场掌握趋势交易的旅程。 在这1.5小时,您可以学懂: ✅ 了解趋势是什么以及它如何影响您的交易成功。 ✅ 探索趋势交易的潜力:趋势能带您“走多远”? ✅ 如何判断市场趋势? ✅ 如何实践“顺势而为”的趋势交易策略?   这线上讲座会是由Bursa Malaysia呈现,并由Axcelearn承办。 (此线上讲座会将以中文进行。) .

Creating An Effective Trading Plan to Trade Malaysia Futures Market


Crafting an effective trading plan is crucial for revising your trading performance, identify areas of improvement, and enhancing your overall trading strategy. Join us to discover the fundamental factors that influence FKLI and FCPO and how to gauge market sentiment by analysing price seasonality and...

Strategi Untuk Menangani Cabaran Berdagang


Sama ada anda seorang pedagang yang berpengalaman atau baru memulakan dagangan, anda tahu bahawa pasaran niaga hadapan amat sukar diramalkan dan mencabar. Tetapi dengan kemahiran dan strategi yang betul, anda boleh mengatasi halangan ini dan mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang. Sertai kami untuk webinar eksklusif di...

Mastering Fundamental Analysis for Futures Trading


By understanding the underlying economic and financial factors that impact futures markets, you can leverage fundamental analysis to create a more effective and informed trading strategy. From analysing market participants to tracking key indicators, a deep knowledge of fundamental analysis can help you make better...

Spread Trading Strategies in the Palm Oil Market


Are you looking to improve your palm oil trading performance using spread trading strategies? Our upcoming webinar is designed to help traders of all levels enhance their trading skills. During the webinar, you'll learn about the key differences between calendar and inter-commodity spreads, and how...